🌸Acupuncture and Catgut Embedding
Acupuncture is one of the forms of traditional Chinese medicine, used to treat many diseases. Catgut embedding is a form of long lasting acupuncture. In addition to direct treatments, online consultations are also available, led by Dr. Katarina Badawi with more than 16 years of experience in her business.
It is a Vietnamese variant of acupuncture. It is applied once a month and its effect lasts throughout the month. It is especially suitable for people who find it difficult to visit us 2-3 times a week for a classic acupuncture treatment (and these are mostly immobile patients, or business people, who are often on the road, etc.). Catgut embedding is mostly used in obesity therapy and in pain syndromes. Since each disease is specific, call us to check whether Catgut embedding is for you.
• Pain: pain in the neck, spine, joints, muscles, sciatica and other pain along the nerves, arthritis...;
• Mood changes: depression, nervousness...;
• Insomnia;
• Vertigo;
• Headaches and migraines;
• Chronic and allergic sinusitis and bronchitis;
• Discomfort and pain in the stomach;
• Constipation and hemorrhoids;
• Decreased/increased appetites;
• Obesity;
• Swelling (retention of water or lymph);
• Retention of urine;
• Nocturnal urination;
• Hypertrophy and inflammation of the prostate;
• Disorder and painful menstruation;
• Acne, eczema and other skin changes;
• Quitting smoking;
and much more…
It should be said right away that the number of such patients is very small. It is generally said that we do not perform acupuncture for:
• patients taking certain medications (strong psychotropic medications, immunosuppressants, etc.);
• very old and exhausted persons;
• acute drunkenness;
• acute poisoning and others;
• Certainly, your chosen doctor will make the right decision after the examination and discussion, and provide you with all the necessary explanations.
Although most people do not even like the thought of needles, most patients are "disappointed" by the minimal discomfort that occurs at the moment when the needle is applied!
However, you should know that there are other types of acupuncture point stimulation that are not performed with a needle, namely:
• acupressure;
• moxibustion;
• laser AK;
• microwave AK;
• ultrasonic AK;
and another.
Does it hurt?
It does not hurt! In order for the patient to experience this treatment as painless, he must first choose a doctor according to his taste and must have confidence in the chosen doctor, he must believe in acupuncture treatment, just like any other.
If these two previous conditions are met, my long-term experience confirms that the patient will not experience his treatment as something unpleasant or painful.
How long will the treatment last?
The closest answer to this question can be given during the first inspection. Mainly for those who have not had experience with acupuncture, here are some very general information: the treatment is carried out in sessions; one session means one visit and it usually means a treatment of 10-15 minutes. If it is a chronic disease that is being treated, 1 or more courses will most likely be needed. One course implies 10 treatments - which can be carried out every day or less often: for example (2-3 times a week).
Will the cure be permanent?
Everything depends on the disease, there are many conditions and diseases where the cure is permanent: migraine, nocturnal urination, painful menstruation, etc. the list would be long.
Will I feel an improvement immediately?
For all conditions related to pain, the answer is yes.
I have to travel, what about acupuncture?
There are no harmful consequences, sometimes it is possible to apply permanent ear pins. In any case, the treatment is continued at the first opportunity when the patient returns from the trip.
Do I have to stop the current treatment if I want to apply acupuncture?
Your acupuncturist is the only person who will give you the answers to your specific case. In most cases, a very satisfactory solution and a very good combination can be found.
Do I have to follow a certain diet while coming for acupuncture?
You don't have to, it's still good to know that the number of diseases that require a change in the current diet is higher than we think. Your acupuncturist will give you more detailed instructions on which changes in your diet are desirable.
Can serious diseases be treated with acupuncture?
Yes, and very successfully!